COVID-19 Policies and Procedures On Set

As a photographer and business owner returning to work, I have a responsibility to keep my employees, clients, and family safe while on the job and when I return home.

The number one way for us to return to work safely is to respect the social distancing policy introduced by the CDC, as well as OSHA. These best practices are currently being adopted by Hollywood and Commercial productions as well as smaller productions across the country.

As a major metropolitan area, New York City was highly impacted and these health and safety guidelines have to be undertaken now as part of all production processes. 

Obviously shoots and the creation process have a social and collaborative component. As we try to work through these new guidelines please understand that these restrictions are new for all of us and we will do our best to deliver the highest caliber of work while keeping everyone safe.

Felicia Perretti is a commercial food and beverage photographer and director based in New York City. She works nationally with food and beverage clients in advertising, packaging, editorial, and video. She has worked with food and drink in all shapes and knows how to craft the right team to get the job done! Her passion for food and beverage shine through on set as well as outside of work in her everyday life. Whether it’s trying new restaurants, traveling, or cooking with her husband Joe. Send her an email or give a call to discuss your next project, she would be more than happy to chat!

Creation Of a Small Claims Copyright Court

Image creators; we are fighting for the creation of a small claims copyright court. We need your action NOW. Do not even think just do! We’ve been working on this for a few years and the light at the end of the tunnel is here. ASMP member, or not these are for the rights of all image creators. Make your voice heard!!! Image creator supporters make YOUR voice heard!



Personal Project: Margins

I recently entered the ASMP LA photo contest that had the theme "Margins" interpret it anyway you want. Whenever I have the opportunity to push the boundaries with subjects (and involve food) I like to jump at the idea. For this series of images I interpreted the word margins as the mouth. We use it everyday and really it has its own boundaries or "margins."

I thought it would be interesting to play with the edges of the mouth while someone was eating. I would photograph their movements of chewing and carefully selecting food that could create a mess or fall outside the edge of the mouth. There are a couple from the series on my conceptual portfolio and more at my APA gallery.